Friday, August 26, 2011

A Conversation in Need of Having?

Words can, and often are, used as weapons. We have seen what happens when there is a call to arms, an incitement to war, a rousing speech from a dictator who condemns part of his own population, racial epithets and hate speech, an organized and violent response to bullying by classmates in schools.

When words are used as weapons, we are all down wind of an ecosystem in which we live, work and pursue leisure that is made toxic by the introduction of cynicism, greed and bullying of real people. Bullying is now epidemic and not just on playgrounds and classrooms. It is on the front pages of newspapers getting their material used to dismember live people in a public forum from hacking and other illegal means. It is in reality TV, "mock"umentaries, and "harmless" comedy routines.

Mention the first amendment and you ignite a "hot button" question or debate. the first amendment philosophy is essential to a democratic nations and peoples; free speech as a right is imperative to protecting the rights of people to speak out and be heard. In order to protect it however, free speech must necessarily include protection for propaganda, unethical and hate speech.
Journalism schools and outlets all have a code of ethics. But do they follow that code?

Is it ethical to present something as news, yet disseminate politically biased information? What about slander, libel and bullying or hate speech? Some countries do not allow for thorough protection or recource for those harmed by "free speech." And sometimes free speech harms or causes violence. What then?

What impact does 24 hour news cycle programming have on the veracity of material? What abour fact checking and retraction? What about opinon pieces or editorials masquerading as news? Is it permissible for journalists to give their personal opinions or conclusions? How do codes of ethics govern what is published?

Journalists and in particular, bloggers are not licensed nor held to formal standards and anybody can blog. How does that impact our world? What if a blog is really cyber-bullying intended to cause harm?

These are all issues that we are still in the process of sorting out and since everybody is downwind of the twenty-first century, what part of the responsibility falls to the consumer; what part falls to the creator? Do we need to have a discussion about the use of words, creative license, consumer responsibility, intent to harm, civility and compassion?

Are we creating a culture without compassion? What are we role modeling to youth? What are the children learning? Yes, they are watching.

A three part series on media that asks the tough questions that still need answers:

When the Empire Strikes Will the People Strike Back?

Shocking Secrets Revealed: Illegal Means Used to Carve Up Live Humans for Human Consumption

Power to the People Works When People Claim the Power
With Co-Author Matt Semino

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