Saturday, November 30, 2013

Charter for Compassion

Jeremy Rifkin says we are hard wired for compassion. I want to believe him. I think it's one of those things like buying a red sports car. When your new car is a red sports car, suddenly you notice that there are a lot of red sporty cars on the road. 

Do you see in the world what you are looking for? What you are "accustomed" to seeing? Are you more inclined to notice the vibe you are "attuned" to? It's a kind of resonance. Did you know that a guitar "G" string plucked in a room of guitars will cause all the other guitars to play that same G? And if you strum a "D" all the other guitars will resonate to "D."

A drum struck in a room full of drums will vibrate all of the skins on all the drums. And if you put sand on a on a plate over a drum or music, it will arrange itself in organized geometric patterns.

Did you know that if you put a whole room of clocks with pendulums in a room swinging at different rates, when you come back in the morning they will all be swinging simultaneously?

Perhaps we truly are what we resonate with. If you want to change the world, Gandhi said you have to be the world you want.  Be the change. If I take personal responsibility for the world and the way it is, and I do my part to make it better, it becomes better. If you join me in taking the same responsibility for the way the world is, imagine what we could do together. And if you and I recruit more people to our movement, we change the whole world.

We don't have to invent a way to do this; it already exists. Go and sign the Charter for Compassion and join the movement.

If I want a compassionate world, I have to employ compassion-in-action. I have to be more visible and vocal with compassion (or what's even more fun is to do a compassionate act anonymously.) And I have to engage my own compassion more. I am... a work in progress.

Racism can be healed. Violence can be healed. Compassion heals.

Radical Compassion heals radically.

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