Friday, May 16, 2014

Who Remembered Their Mother?

On Mother's Day, mothers were recognized for their care, love and sacrifices while raising their children. Some have done it with partners and some single mothers have done it alone. Some have had the privileges that come with a comfortable life, and some have struggled through hardships in places that are challenging, neighborhoods that are poor, streets that are not safe and housing that is barely habitable.

Some mothers cared for their children in homeless shelters or maybe even on the streets because there is no partner or the partner was downsized and they are unemployed, have lost their home to foreclosure or a health crisis drained their savings and bankrupted them.

Some mothers have had to carry water miles to shacks that are sticks and straw while navigating through territory of marauders, rapists and predators. Some mothers have nothing to feed their children. Some children themselves have become mothers to their little brothers and sisters because their own mothers died from an AIDS epidemic that went unchecked by the uninterested. And yet...

some Nigerian mothers didn't have their daughters, didn't know where they are or even if they are still alive because almost 300 of their daughters were kidnapped and punished for attending school while these "men," terrorists fueled by religious extremism, take what doesn't belong to them and force their philosophy onto others through violence. They don't even recognize females as equal and deserving human beings, but view them as property.

And many of us forgot to be grateful to our first mother. She too, is to be remembered, revered and respected. She too, deserves a standing ovation. Will you stand up for her?

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